
None of the audio/visual content is hosted on this site/server. All media is embedded from other sites such as GoogleVideo, YouTube, Facebook Livestream, etc. Therefore, this site has no control over the copyright issues of the streaming media.

All issues concerning copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting the material. This site does not host any of the streaming media and the owner has not uploaded any of the material to the video hosting servers. Anyone can find the same content on GoogleVideo, YouTube, Facebook Livestream, etc by themselves.

The owner of this site cannot know which videos are in public domain, which has been uploaded to e.g. YouTube by the owner and which has been uploaded without permission and is therefore willing to remove any violating material immediately upon request. The copyright owner must further contact the source if he wants his material off the Internet completely.

All articles are from sources on the internet. We respect copyright content and make use of websites that allow redistribution of their content. If you believe that we have content on our website that is in breach of copyright law, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email: dmca @ pogoport.com


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